Concern the central Muslim discrimination of the US central terrorism

Hear international terrorism situation in the recent Middle East etc. [Concerned about the central Muslim discrimination of the US central terrorism] Saudi Arabia-born Osama bin error Dinh has been identified as a suspect in New York of the continuous terrorist attacks. He some time complained of a jihad (holy war) to the United States, killing of Americans regardless of civil-military declared that it is duty of Muslims. In Islam, jihad is all obligations Muslims, has been the go to heaven (Gianna) if a martyr in jihad. Many of the young people are throwing their own lives in order to enter the Garden of Eden. However, Jihad is not only the use of force, has been interpreted as each good be carried out according to the capability. On the other hand, Islam because it does not allow you to kill people of the innocent, indiscriminate acts of terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists who are in conflict with the teachings of Islam. Nevertheless, there is a concern that the image of [Islam = terrorism] the un-Islamic for this time of the terrorist attacks on the machine in the American society will be formed.

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