Intro roundtable discussion [talk about the era]

Hear international terrorism situation in the recent Middle East etc. Mr. K around the world shocked, attention to which terrorism and the Afghan situation,. For this serious problem, We gatherings to teachers of various disciplines, in terms of [to provide the challenges and perspectives], I will hand. Visitors [understandable that difficult] story. First, whether or not see the terrorist attacks that occurred in the month, please talk. If you became a victim of Mr. S this time of terrorism it is really a pity, but in the background of the case, after the Cold War, it may have been widespread international resistance to globalization by One win of the United States. Then, in Palestine, Israel continues the occupation, and slaughter the Palestinians. It will be mentioned that the solution to the United States is preventing of the dispute. Although U Mr. their country you can see a certain extent because it is immediately after having received major damage, the reaction of President Bush is that [Clap Back] from [was done], the simple idea of ​​the shock do not think the real cause and resolve the problem was.

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